FYI - Public comment is open until Jan. 20

Here is a note from Doug Casey as well: Our Commission for Educational Technology conducted the research and wrote the plan, released for public comment last Friday. I appreciate your sharing and echo your call to share the plan among personal and professional networks to enlist public comment through January 22. The page below ( provides multiple ways to access the executive summaries (English and Spanish), full plan and appendices, and a brief video that provides an overview of the plan.

Dear colleague,

Your state’s digital equity plan is available for public comment through 1/20

As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Digital Equity Act, led by National Telecommunications and Information Administration, all states are developing digital equity plans throughout 2023. State digital equity plans should cast a vision for, and think critically about, how they will support the achievement of digital equity in their state. Plans should seek to ensure that capacity funding is used most effectively to close the digital divide in each state.

As emphasized by the U.S. Department of Education’s recent call to action, the education sector will be a critical partner in connecting all people, especially learners furthest from digital opportunities, to affordable, reliable high-speed internet and technology tools. We urge education leaders to ensure the needs and assets of the education sector are addressed in state digital equity plans.

Please share the public comment information with your networks and let us know if you have any questions.


Isabella Zachariah

Fellow | Office of Ed Tech

U.S. Department of Education