Seats are available for next Tuesday’s workshop, How to Stop Burnout and Re-Energize Your Work for Your Best Year Ever, with Jean Baur.  Hope you can join us and start 2024 off right! See registration and workshop information below.



Burnout is real and affects all industries and employees at every level from CEO's to administrative assistants. In some professions, like medicine, it's rampant and has damaging consequences. Learn what burnout is and isn't, why it's dangerous, and strategies and tools for addressing it. In this interactive Zoom workshop, you'll explore how to: recognize the signs of burnout, identify the causes--both internal and external, own it (you're the boss of your own life), explore alternatives, and decide what you want as there are never no choices. This workshop will give you your own personalized plan for ensuring that burnout doesn't stop you from having your best year ever. 


Tuesday, January 9 from 10:00-12:00 on Zoom

Register for Stop Burnout  





For questions, please contact Gail Hurley at or 




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