I could list a billion amazing titles, but wanted to make sure that you/everyone is aware of the Diverse BookFinder...  https://diversebookfinder.org/

It's an amazing resource!

:) pia


On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 10:36 AM Laura Hedenberg <lhedenberg@barkhamstedschool.org> wrote:
Hi. I received this request today from a 5th grade teacher:

Can you research and recommend a fiction book with more diversity we could use for reading comprehension next year. Ideally about 100 pages and having a main character of color or diverse background. We will be reading aloud to the kids so level 40-50. 

Any suggestions?  


Laura Hedenberg
Library Media Specialist
Barkhamsted School
"By not running from the books that pain us, we can allow them to transform us."  Dr.  Ibram X. Kendi

Currently Reading
The Real Deal
Ellen Outside the Lines

Just finished
New From Here
Invisible Spy
You Go First

To Be Read (TBR)
Nowhere But Here
Best Liars in Riverview
The Last Beekeeper


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