
Was the "inventory" requested by your administrator, or by NEASC itself?  

Administrators may or may not know what a genuine inventory entails, and actually mean or would find more useful one of Destiny's reports showing, for instance, the age of the collection, or a breakdown of the collection by Dewey #/subject.  If it's the administrator asking and he/she/they isn't/aren't familiar already with Destiny, show him/her/them the kinds of reports it can generate and what each is useful for.  

I've been on the "school being accredited" side of NEASC twice, and on NEASC visiting committees four times, though all of those were before the changes that took place a few years back.  I was never specifically asked for an inventory, nor did I ask to look at an inventory.  When being evaluated I did, however, run a number of Destiny reports giving a "snapshot" of the collection, its strengths and needs; and as a visiting committee member I appreciated library staffs' needs and concerns more accurately when accompanied by a report backing up any anecdotes during our interviews.

Hope this helps.  

Cathy Andronik
(Retired) Brien McMahon HS

On Thursday, 11 January 2024 at 09:05:17 am GMT-5, GUMKE, KARA <kara.gumke@vernonct.org> wrote:

Good Morning,

I am looking for help with providing evidence for our  NEASC accreditation. I was asked to share our inventory. I am wondering if any of you have done this recently and what the best way to present this information is. Should I just run a report in Destiny and share that?

Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Kara Gumke
Rockville High School
Library Media Specialist
Library Media Club Advisor
860-870-6050 Ext. 4076 or 4099

Currently Reading: Three Things I know are True, by Betty Culley Currently Listening to: Better than the Movies, by Lynn Painter

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