Train I Ride by Paul MossierOn Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 10:22 AM Gail Nelson <> wrote:Hi everyone,_______________________________________________I do a themed reading promotion every year. This year the theme will be "Climb Aboard the Reading Railroad." I am planning to turn my large bulletin board into train tracks running through different literary worlds like Narnia and the Hundred Acre Woods, but there will also be a nonfiction world - probably depicting the trans-continental railroad.I would like to highlight some books that feature trains. I have thought of:Steam Train Dream TrainThe Little Engine that CouldLocomotive - FlocaThe SubwayMilo Imagines the WorldHarry Potter -(Hogwarts Express)The Silver ArrowI'd love to hear any train books you might think of to add to my list.Thanks so much!!GailHarwinton Consolidated School
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