CLC would like to invite you to this afternoon event sponsored by CLA and the Fairfield Library Administrators Group (FLAG).

Register at this link

Library leaders are facing multiple challenges right now. Attempts to censor books, limit access to our libraries, and reshape the nature of librarianship settings come in many shapes and from several different directions.

Join John Chrastka, executive director of EveryLibrary, the national political action committee for libraries, for a three-hour interactive workshop where he will share practical, actionable tools to prepare your board and staff, manage crisis communications, evaluate policies, and activate allies to protect your library and your readers. 

Advocacy and Activism are interrelated but are not the same. In order to succeed in either an advocacy effort or an activism campaign, it is critically important for library leaders to understand the differences in the messages they should share.


As we face ongoing budget problems and other challenges at all levels of government, a new kind of approach to both advocacy and activism is key in building support among the elected officials who control your finances and participate in your contracts. 

Topics Covered:

From Advocacy to Activism 

Three Languages of Politics

Marketing to Build Support

Coalitions as Change Agents

Emerging Policy Issues

Register at this link.

Hope to see you there!


Jenny Lussier
CASL President

Connecticut Association of School Librarians Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013