Hi Loretta,
Rather than write a whole long response explaining what I have done in the past, I thought I'd share the organizer that I use to have volunteers sign up.  You'll see each activity/station has a brief explanation.  We usually house "Reading Under the Stars" in the gymnasium.  Lights are low with lanterns at each table.  Tents are set up throughout the gymnasium and we have a smartboard running with a crackling fire. I've done this for several years now and it's always a well loved event.

    Reading Under the Stars! 

A Family Literacy Night

Please sign up if you can attend and help out at the event.  Thank you!

Set up and decorate after school: 4:30 PM 




Check-in Tables 

Hand out books, activity descriptions passport

1.  Story Telling by the “Fire” 

Enjoy listening to stories read by some of our teachers near the tents. Teachers/Parents can read stories to students either in the tent or outside the tents on bean bags.  Students may also independently read.

MATERIALS:  books for each teacher to read

2.  Silly Sentences

Choose an adjective, noun, verb, and an adverb to make silly sentences. Illustrate your sentence. (word box and sentence strips will be provided)

MATERIALS: large sentence strip, box and pencils & crayons

3.  You Are Star A Reader

Take a picture with the “Reading Under the Stars” sign. 

MATERIALS: actual photo booth

backdrop and sign  (materials will be provided, if you are interested in helping to make the backdrop, pls let Deirdre or Jodi Know)

4.  Minute to Win It-CVC cups

Move the three styrofoam cups to make as many real three-letter CVC words as you can in one minute.

MATERIALS: clear cups, round stickers 

real/nonsense word recording sheet, 

Pencils, timer

5.  Story Elements Foldable Fortune

Tellers (Make & Take)

A fortune teller is a form of origami used in

children’s games.  Create your own Story

Elements Fortune Teller to take home and 

quiz your friends and family members about the books they are reading. 

MATERIALS: fortune teller sheets,

markers (red, blue, green, yellow)

(all materials will be provided, will just need a sample made)

6.  STEM Challenge 

Students will be presented with a problem 

and work collaboratively to solve. 

7.  Create A Skunk!

Based on our One School/One Book, A Boy Called Bat, students will make Model Magic Skunks!

8. Fluency Flowers 

Choose one or two flowers.  Write words on the petals of the flower that include the vowel in the center. Color your flower.  Speed read the words in your flower garden.

MATERIALS: flower sheets, scissors,

markers, masking tape (all materials will be provided, will just need a sample made)

9. Read a Song

​*** will showcase a variety of books with original and well known songs to sing along with.

10. Tell Your Own Fairy Tale

Play a card game with a friend or your grown-up. Take turns choosing a card and adding on to the story- you decide what happens and how it will end!

MATERIALS: Tell Tales Story Card Game, solid tablecloth

11. Make Your Own Bookmark

Create a Scratch-Art bookmark or design your own!

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces+flomnathansonj=norwalkps.org@mylist.net> on behalf of Christina O'Neill <coneill@region15.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2024 3:32 PM
To: Loretta Sullivan <b59lgian@mpspride.org>
Cc: CASL_L <casl-l@mylist.net>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [CASL-L] Literacy event w/ parents/families
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Hi Loretta,
Every year we host a PJ Story Hour. We rent a book character costume and we rotate the families between the library where they hear the principal read a story or two, the gym where the assistant principal reads, and the cafeteria for milk and cookies and photos with the book character.  We used to have parents sign up to be readers and we used every room in the building but have scaled it back since covid.  It is much more manageable with three large rooms and administrators as readers.  We usually also show a video of a staff readers' theater performance during milk and cookies.  It lasts one hour.
Christina O'Neill
LMES Library/Media Specialist

On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 2:09 PM Loretta Sullivan via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I wanted to pick your collective brain in regards to what others may have done during family literacy events.  We are thinking of having one (not sure how long it will be), but wanted to see what some of your ideas are or what you may have done with these events in the past that have been successful.  Thanks so much for any ideas/suggestions you send my way!


Loretta Sullivan
Library Media Specialist       
Bennet Academy
Manchester, CT

For all other technology assistance (including laptops and iPads), go to the IT Helpdesk  or call / text 860-682-0607,  Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. 

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." -Charles W. Eliot

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