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From: Casey, Doug <Doug.Casey@ct.gov>
Date: Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 10:07 PM
Subject: National Educational Technology Plan
To: <CET_K-12_EDTECH@list.ct.gov>

Good evening, everyone.


I had the pleasure of attending the White House unveiling of the National Educational Technology Plan today, a great piece of work that my affinity group, SETDA, led on behalf of the US Department of Education:




I encourage you to review the research and recommendations, either through the full plan here or by browsing through each section on the NETP site, above. Doubtless you are already engaging in many of the recommended actions, and certainly there are ideas and case studies that will inspire you as district leaders to continue innovating in your own schools. As you see places where you are embracing these recommendations and have a story to share, please do so through the Office of Ed Tech’s Stories of EdTech Innovation.


The plan has some great Connecticut fingerprints, given that the project lead is Sarah Edson, formerly of CEN and the Ethel Walker School and now with SETDA. There is a nice shout-out to our work at the Commission around digital equity in education (see page 76). And many of the recommendations align directly with the priorities in Connecticut’s newly updated Five-Year Educational Technology Goals and Plan, approved just last month.






Doug Casey | Executive Director

Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology

Department of Administrative Services

55 Farmington Avenue

Hartford, CT 06105


Office: (860) 622-2224


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CASL President

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Brewster and John Lyman Elementary Schools


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