---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jake Baskin, CSTA <jake@csteachers.org>
Date: Sat, Feb 3, 2024, 8:02 AM
Subject: CSTA Voice — Latest News For You
To: <bajohnson@colchesterct.org>

We Want You — Apply to Serve on the CSTA Board of Directors 

The CSTA Board of Directors has opened the call for nominations for election to the Board. CSTA active members are invited to submit an application or to submit a nomination form to encourage another member to apply. We have vacancies for the following positions: K-8 Teacher Representative, 9-12 Teacher Representative, At-Large Representative, International Teacher Representative, School District Representative, State Department Representative, and College/University Faculty Representative. Visit our website to learn more about these positions. 

Application Due March 4

Want to learn more? Attend the Board Elections Information Night on Feb. 21. Can’t make it live? Register to receive the recording!

Apply for a Scholarship to CSTA 2024 

Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we’re able to offer full and partial scholarships for CSTA 2024, which will be held July 16-19 in Las Vegas! Applications are open to all CSTA members and will be accepted through April 1. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by the end of April.

Learn More and Apply

Celebrate Black History Month 

Looking for ways to celebrate Black History Month? Check these resources from CSTA and the CSTA Black Affinity Group: 

  • Join the Black Affinity GroupAre you interested in becoming a part of the CSTA Black Affinity Group? Head to the CSTA Virtual Community and join the Black Affinity Group.
  • Read BlackGPT: Five Reasons That Black Students Should Learn About and Use Artificial Intelligence ModelsCSTA Equity Fellow Allen Antoine talks about why it's important for Black students to have equitable experiences using AI and machine learning. Read his post
  • Highlight CS Heroes: CSTA’s team recommends highlighting members of the 2023 class of CS heroes in your classroom this month. Use the filters on the CS Hero page to find all of the CS heroes you can highlight this month. You can find corresponding lesson plans on the CS Heroes webpage
  • Attend these events sponsored by the CSTA Black Affinity Group: 
  • CS Homecoming: HBCU DayCalling all HBCU alum, supporters, advocates, etc! The Black Affinity Group would like to invite you to join us in a discussion about the HBCU experience and in computing! RSVP.
  • 2024 B.A.G. presents CS Homecoming – D9 Day in CS!Calling all of the Divine Nine members and supporters! Come and join the Black Affinity Group as we celebrate Black Excellence in CS throughout history and into the future! We will highlight student and teacher successes in computing to conclude Black Excellence in CS for Black History Month. Register. 

Register for the Equity in Action Summit

Are you registered to join us for the Equity in Action Summit on March 2, led by CSTA’s Equity Fellows? Engage in strategies to equip yourself with resources on representation, accessibility, and culturally sustaining pedagogies. Develop an action plan to increase CS education access to all students and empower them to use CS in a just way. Register

Highlights From The Voice  

Here are some Voice posts you may have missed: 

  • Bridging the Equity Gap in Computer Science Education for Special Needs Students: A Focus on Removing the Dis-Ability Label and Letting Students’ Abilities Shine — CSTA Equity Fellow Dan Jones explores the equity gap in computer science education and highlights the importance of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and other strategies in creating an inclusive learning environment. Read his post.
  • Why in Fifth Grade? A Lesson from 2023 Teaching Excellence Award Winner Melissa Zeitz — CSTA / Infosys Foundation USA Teaching Excellence Award Winner Melissa Zeitz shares an activity you can implement in your classroom. Learn more.
  • What If, Then, Possibly? Intentional CS Integration: PreK to 12th — CSTA Equity Fellow Cynthia Brawner discusses the intentionality of integrating CS into all classrooms. Read her post.

We’re always looking to highlight the experiences of CS teachers like you! Reach out to media@csteachers.org for more information on how you can share your voice. 

Stay Updated on CSTA Events – National and Chapter Updates!

Check out what’s happening at CSTA! Bookmark this page of our website to stay abreast of CSTA National webinars and events and your chapter’s events! Be sure to log into your CSTA+ member profile to ensure you get free registration to our webinars! Want access to this content and so much more? Upgrade to CSTA+ today via your member dashboard!

Upcoming events from CSTA National: 

CSTA Partner Messages 

Thank you for your continued support of CSTA. The content below is brought to you by our Institutional Partners. Visit this page to meet our Institutional Partners. 

Sign-up for Microsoft's newsletter for CS educators and advocates

Our partners from the Microsoft TEALS Program now offer Bits and Bytes, a free newsletter for computer science educators and advocates! Sign-up today for events, tips, resources and more: https://aka.ms/cs-newsletter

FREE Professional Development Trial Opportunity

We would like to inform you about our free PD opportunity. You can enjoy our online PD content at your own pace, wherever and whenever you want.

On our platform you can find a comprehensive content. Our platform includes all Python and JavaScript topics, and content on software development cycle, mobile game and mobile app development, mobile AI application development. With our online PD module, you can reach the level of providing end-to-end coding training.

You can get one-week access to the PD module by following the steps below.

1- Sign up to our platform > codementum.com

2- Send your username to info@codementum.com

For the subject, please type "Free PD request".

You can request it at any time. You will be notified once the PD module is assigned to your account.

You can access details about the PD module from the link below.


Please reach out if you have any questions: info@codementum.com. We hope you don't miss this opportunity.

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Computer Science Teachers Association | 332 South Michigan Avenue Suite #121-C985, Chicago, IL 60604-4434
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