Too funny!  

Hope your daughter has a great time in her bustier!

On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 5:30 PM Kristen Frost <> wrote:
Hi everyone! 

Please forgive my off topic post, but I just wanted to share this with my librarian peeps. I was shopping with my 16 year old daughter the other night. She was looking for a halter/bustier type of top for an event she’s going to this summer. Anyway, trying to be helpful, I kept holding up various options I was finding. I held this one up and in her very teenagery way, she said, “Mom, no. That looks like a librarian but with a party…” OMG she had me laughing so hard because, of course, she’s not wrong.  Happy weekend everyone! Or happy Monday if you are getting this message at the start of the work week! 

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 ~ Leslie