Hi Gail, 

During the summer of 2022, I switched from Follett Destiny to Accessit (which was run by Mackin when I purchased it, but has since been taken over by Follett). It was a brutal process to switch, took much of my summer; however, I was moving my LibGuides to Accessit too. One reason I switched was to have everything in one place, instead of students using two separate platforms. Accessit's service is excellent. Feel free to reach out if you'd like further information. 


Valerie DiLorenzo P '15, '18

Library/ Library Media Specialist

New Faculty Coordinator

vdilorenzo@rumseyhall.org  |  860-868-0535 ext 122

Twitter/X: @valdilorenzo | Podcast: The Meanderings of a Librarian

Rumsey Hall School

A Tradition of Effort, Family, and Community

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On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 3:34 PM Gail Nelson <gwnelson100@gmail.com> wrote:
Good afternoon,

Can you please share what school library management system your school library uses?  Pros?  Cons?

We are presently using Follett Destiny.  I think it's great.  Our school community is doing some comparisons and investigating other options to try to reduce costs. I would love to hear your thoughts.

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