Please excuse the duplicate posting.

Good afternoon!

CASL has been working closely with the CT Library Association and the CLC on legislative issues this year.

Yesterday the Library ebook bill was assigned a bill number, SB 148,  and a public hearing! This is extremely  important for both public and school libraries in Connecticut. 

The Planning and Development Committee will hear public testimony on the bill on Wednesday, February 21 at 1:30pm.  Here is the agenda.  On the agenda, you’ll see a link to sign up to testify or to submit written testimony.  The hearing can be viewed from there as well.

We are asking CASL members to testify or submit written testimony to help get this bill passed. If you are not sure what to say, let me know. I will have a model to use sometime tomorrow (Saturday). 

The Planning and Development bill number is SB 148 and it is available here.

We believe that the Government Administration and Elections Committee will also introduce a similar ebooks bill.  That has not happened yet, but if it does, we will communicate that too.

