Hi everyone - CASL has been working hard with the CT Library Association to help pass legislation to make it better for ALL people who love ebooks & audiobooks libraries on apps like Libby and Hoopla. If you use these, please keep reading and consider submitting testimony by 5pm on Monday, March 4 (it's not hard - just tell your story) or writing to your legislators.

Keep reading for more info and thank you! Feel free to share about this with anyone you think would be willing to write. : ) Jenny


The problem: Libraries pay 3 to 10 times more than the general public for the same eBook titles. And, libraries do not own ebooks, they lease them. After two years, or 26 checkouts, the licenses expire and must be bought again to maintain access. This is costing taxpayers a fortune!

Waitlists for ebooks across Connecticut are regularly 6+ months. Libraries can’t build collections and can’t keep up with demand. 

To some, ebooks are a convenience, but to others with visual impairment, dyslexia, physical disability, or lack of access to transportation, they are a necessity. 

The current contract terms offered by publishers don’t allow libraries to fulfill their mission to serve all of our residents.

The solution: Libraries need fair contract terms. Connecticut has the power to regulate contracts between tax-payer funded libraries and publishers. SB148 (and HB 5312) will allow our libraries to offer more digital content in return for residents’ tax dollars.” (Information from the CT Library Association, 2024).

What YOU can do: 

  1. Submit written testimony for HB 5312 if you are able - use this link. Do this by 5pm on Monday, March 4. 

  1. Email or call your legislators. Tell them you are in support of SB 148 from the Planning & Development Committee and HB5312 from the Government Administration and Elections Committee. Who are my legislators? Do this ASAP.

  1. Share with your friends, family and colleagues! 

Most importantly, tell your story! Why is it important to you to be able to use eBooks & audiobooks? Why do you believe libraries should have fair contract terms? It doesn’t have to be long, but tell your personal story.

Questions? Email president@ctcasl.org

Thanks everyone!

Jenny Lussier
CASL President

Connecticut Association of School Librarians Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013