Please excuse the duplicate posting.

Good evening!

As you probably know, tomorrow (or today if you are reading this in the morning) is the public hearing for HB 5417, An Act Concerning School Libraries. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has signed up to speak, sent in written testimony and spread the word to those who support a student's right to read. If you would like to watch starting at 10am, here is the link to the education committee's youtube channel.

  • There is still time to submit written testimony via this link - but it must be in by Monday, Mar. 11 at 5pm.
  • When submitting written testimony, select Mar. 11 at 10am, Support, HB 5417 and upload a pdf. This is the preferred format.

  • Remember, you don't have to submit as a school librarian if you are not comfortable. You can simply write in as a citizen of CT or a parent in support of this bill.

Keep spreading the word! We need as many non-school library people - parents, students, authors, illustrators, family members, community members, retired librarians, public librarians, Friends of Libraries, etc as we can get to submit testimony and also contact their state representatives and senators. Here’s how to find your legislator

Thank you for doing the important job you do each and every day! You make a difference in the lives of kids!

Have a great week!

