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From: Courtney Pentland via ALA Connect <Mail@connectedcommunity.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 12, 2024, 1:53 PM
Subject: AASL Member Forum : Deadline to Apply for a Free Book Extended to March 18th for The Gift of Story Town Hall
To: <bajohnson@colchesterct.org>

DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 18th apply for a free book. While we have received a number of applications for a free book, we do still have copies... -posted to the "AASL Member Forum" community
American Library Association

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Deadline to Apply for a Free Book Extended to March 18th for The Gift of Story Town Hall
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Courtney Pentland
Mar 12, 2024 12:53 PM
Courtney Pentland

DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 18th apply for a free book. While we have received a number of applications for a free book, we do still have copies available. I know as school librarians we often put our needs ahead of others, so if you still would like a copy and getting a free one would help you out, please consider applying. And, do share this with your friends and colleagues so they can register for the Town Hall, and let them know they do need to be a member of AASL to request a copy of the book.

During the AASL Town Hall at 6:00 p.m. Central on May 7, AASL President Courtney Pentland will be joined by John Schu, author of The Gift of Story: Exploring the Affective Side of the Reading Life.

Thanks to a generous contribution for a youth-oriented project from ALA President Emily Drabinski, 100 AASL members can win a complimentary copy of The Gift of Story through a random drawing. To enter, complete the entry form between 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central on March 4 and 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central on March 18, 2024.

More information including town hall registration, drawing details, and a study guide can be found at: www.ala.org/aasl/about/townhall

Courtney Pentland
Living and loving library life with
Lincoln North Star High (School Librarian)
University of Nebraska Omaha School Library Program (Adjunct Faculty)
Nebraska School Librarians Association (former board member)
2023-24 AASL President
Twitter = @livluvlibrary

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