Good Morning CT Libraries, here’s what’s going on this week.




We’re live at the CLA Conference!  We’ve got a booth in the vendor hall (along with 18 of our vendors!) and we’re presenting throughout the next two days.  Please stop by, say hi!



And on Friday we have an Assistant Director Roundtable!




We’re in the home stretch.  Session ends on May 8th.   The House and Senate are both scheduled to convene several times this week.




School Librarians:





Reed Library and Media Specialist Sara Wasley of Newtown receives Outstanding Educator of the Year Award from the CT PTA.  Congratulations, Sara!


Library Journal covers the Connecticut eBook bills.


Here’s how Otis Library in Norwich is helping the blind and visually impaired.


40 pro-Palestine protestors march through Sterling Library at Yale.


Wilton Library has 80,000 books for sale!


Yay for Katie Tietjen, Library Media Specialist at East Hampton High School!! She had her first book published:  Death in the Details!


Homer Babbidge at UConn offers crafting, tea and button making to relieve the stress of finals.  


If you or your library is in the news and I miss it, drop me a line!


Have a good week,




Ellen Paul

Executive Director

Connecticut Library Consortium