Mary Beth,
Kudos to this principal!!!!!!!
Just to clarify a bit, I was an itinerant certified librarian in the Seymour schools for five-ish years, 1994-1999. On paper, I worked for two days at the middle school and one day each at (then) Bungay, Chatfield, and Lopresti elementary schools. So there really was a certified LMS at Seymour Middle School at one time, albeit a fairly long time ago. and 2/5 time. After one year working according to the schedule created for me, I asked and received permission to serve at point of need, still keeping to the 2 days or the equivalent at SMS, one day or the equivalent each at the elementary schools, as much as possible, switching the days of the week around. That way I got to see the elementary school kids who didn't have Library on the day I was technically scheduled there, and every class received the same (very basic) information literacy mini-classes. I was MUCH younger then, lol.
And yes, I did just send in my resume. : ) I often think of my time in Seymour.
Cathy Andronik
(Retired, Brien McMahon HS, Norwalk)