Hi All,
Fall 2024 Semester classes begin on August 28, 2024!
While two of our courses are full, we have a few seats left in the remaining three! Don't miss this opportunity to refresh your skills in a specific area or enhance your credentials by pursuing our Library Technology Certificate. The American Library Association
- Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) recognizes the Library Technology Program at CT State Three Rivers as one of the few national academic providers of approved Library Technology courses for support staff.
Our faculty is fantastic, our classes are 100% asynchronous online, and our tuition is reasonable!
(Additionally, many public libraries offer full, or partial tuition reimbursement through their towns, and many academic libraries offer professional development benefits.)
These are the courses that still have a few seats left:
LIBR 1025 Digital Media -
In this course students will explore the role of digital media in the field of Library Science by looking at best practices and by creating original media content. Students will be introduced to and create a variety of digital file formats including audio,
image, and video. They will look at these files using a variety of available software and applications. Students will be required to create their own original digital content using personal devices such as, but not limited to, digital video recorders, digital
audio recorders, laptops, mobile phones, and/or tablets. The hardware will not be provided for the students, so access to some of all of the above-mentioned devices is a requirement for this course. An emphasis will be placed on the ethical use of all digital
content following current intellectual property right and copyright laws. Sharpen your digital skills with this is a fun course taught by Jessica Franco, Assistant Director at Otis Library in Norwich, CT.
LIBR 1016 Cataloging and Classification -
Using the latest edition of her textbook Cataloging Library Resources: An Introduction
(August 2024), Marie Shaw teaches this course. (Don't miss this opportunity to study with the author herself!) This course introduces the organization of libraries and the principles and practices of cataloging including descriptive cataloging, subject
analysis, subject headings and classification systems. It includes copy cataloging and original creation of MARC21/BIBFRAME/RDA records. RDA (Resource Description and Access) and BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework Initiative) are new requirements that are changing
cataloging. Students learn how to update AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules). -MARC21 (Machine Readable Cataloging) records with RDA and BIBFRAME so that all catalog records follow new standards and rules for bibliographic description, including FRBR (Functional
Requirements of Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements of Authority Data). Both print and non-print materials will be covered.
LIBR 1027 Management and Teamwork -
In this course, students examine the basic communication, decision-making, and management skills necessary for library support staff. Emphasis is placed on library support staff communicate effectively with library users and other library staff for a variety
of situations with the offering high-quality customer service and serving as a valued member of the work team. This is an approved course by the American Library Association-Library Support Staff Certification for two competency areas: Communication and Teamwork
and Supervision and Management. This course is team taught by Hali Keeler and Marie Shaw.
Learn more about our Library Technology Certificate Program here:
Please feel free to reach out with questions! We welcome full-time and part-time students, students who just want to take one class, and students who want to pursue the 27-30 credit Library Technology Certificate. However you want to learn, we support your
Laura Vasselle, Librarian & Program Leader, Library Technology Certificate Program
Donald R. Welter Library
CT State Three Rivers
574 New London Turnpike
Norwich, CT 06360
(860) 215-9286