On behalf of EdAdvance, we are excited to invite you to the Fall AI in K-12 Public Education Conference. Our two interactive conferences last year were very well received,
and we are eager to invite you to participate in the 2024-25 conferences.
The fall conference will be held on Friday, October 11th from 8:30-3:30 at the EdAdvance Office in Litchfield (note the location change from last year). Please see
the conference
flier for more information on topics. This year's session will build on our work together last year, but is also appropriate for first-timers! Liz and Matt will also do a live recording of their popular podcast
We are excited to continue to support you and your districts as we all navigate this fascinating and fast-moving field.
here and/or share the flier
with your colleagues! We look forward to seeing you on October 11th. For those who like to plan ahead, please mark your calendar for our Spring Conference which will take place on May 2nd, 2025 back here in Litchfield.
Very best,
Matt Mervis and Liz Radday, EdAdvance
Matt Mervis
& AI Strategy at EdAdvance
P.O. Box 909 | 355 Goshen Road, Litchfield, CT 06759
O: 860.567.0863 x 1129 | M: 413.717.2839
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