Our new
on AI in K-12 Education starts in less than a month! This six-week, self-paced training includes five hands-on modules that will help educators integrate AI into their school or district.
Participants will earn a Credly Micro-credential from Southern Connecticut State University.
The micro-credential starts on October 21st and there will be three optional Zoom sessions from 6:00-7:00 PM EST on October 29th, November 7th, and November 19th.
The cost is $499, and registration is open now.
There is a discount for groups (20% for 2, 30% for 3, 40% for 4+ participants) and enrollments can be purchased by PO. This is a great opportunity for school and district teams.
Please feel free to share this opportunity with others in your district who might benefit from learning how to integrate AI into their work.
Matt Mervis
Matt Mervis
& AI Strategy at EdAdvance
P.O. Box 909 | 355 Goshen Road, Litchfield, CT 06759
O: 860.567.0863 x 1129 | M: 413.717.2839

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