Hi Caitlin!

I'd be open to both! I'm in a 7/8 middle school in Avon where I teach a regular required class to all 7th grade students on research and digital literacy skills. 

I also love breweries 😉

Jessica Ritacco
Library Media Specialist - Avon Middle School
Avon Public Schools
(860) 404-4770

On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 10:49 AM CAITLIN M. CARBONELL <carbonell.cm@easthartford.org> wrote:
Good morning all!

I had a great time at CASL yesterday. I realize I didn't get to connect to as many middle school LMSs as I'd like! We have a few pathdays coming up for TEVAL, and I'm looking to visit other libraries- specifically middle school. If you'd like to host me for a few hours, or chat with me about your library collection/plans I'm happy to absorb new information.

The other thing- Shannon McNeice and I were talking about middle school librarians having some sort of round table at a brewery/place to chill, possibly in late November/December? Is anyone up for that, this isjust gaging interest.


Caitlin Carbonell

School Media Specialist

East Hartford Middle School

East Hartford, CT


CASL-L mailing list

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