I would also like to be a part of this. I'm at a high school and we are our tech Fundamentals class will no longer be mandatory. Our teachers will be expected to teach these skills in class. I want to create something to help teachers and set some goals.
Jen Crutchfield
Mercy High School
Hi Everyone,Way back in 2007, when I was at Litchfield High School (which was grades 7 - 12 at the time), the elementary LMS, intermediate LMS, and I wrote curriculum for each of our schools based on CT's Information & Technology Literacy standards. I wrote the curriculum for grades 7 & 8. It was called ITL, for short.Â~Val DiLorenzoVice President & 2024 CASL Conference Co-ChairCT Association of School LibrariansConnecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:_______________________________________________On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:51 AM Pia Ledina via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:Tracy, it looks as if a few of us are going to try to get together to work on this... Everyone, if you are interested in this topic, add your info to this google spreadsheet (i.e., contact info and best time to get together) so we can plan!_______________________________________________On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:26 AM Tracy Forstrom <tracyforstrom@gmail.com> wrote:I, TOO, am a middle school LMS teaching a brand new 6th grade Media Literacy class this year. Our classes run every other day for half of a school year, leaving me approx. 45 days of instruction. I have been teaching digital citizenship to my students in recent weeks but need to start planning for more of the information literacy skills that will be the focus of our second quarter.ÂI’ve been using some of the same resources as others (Common Sense, The News Literacy Project, etc.), but I’m overwhelmed by the sheer number of topics that can be included in such a curriculum. Any suggestions, resources, or ideas are most welcome!ÂThanks,Tracy ForstromLMS at Jockey Hollow Middle SchoolMonroe, CT_______________________________________________On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 7:37 AM Catherine Ryan via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:I am interested and following this thread.ÂI am currently teaching a Digital Literacy middle school course that I revised using resources from Common Sense and DigitalSkills.org. I named the course Digital Literacy as I agree media literacy, digital citizenship, internet safety, and information literacy are all subsets. I plan to "tweek" the course again this year from what I learn from The News Literacy Project, etc.ÂI am happy to share. There are many files, so advice on how to do that would be appreciated.ÂI look forward to brainstorming, collaborating, and support with this curriculum development.ÂOn Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 7:02 PM Barbara Johnson <bajohnson@colchesterct.org> wrote:Also working on definitions.I see digital literacy as an umbrella that media literacy, digital citizenship, internet safety, and information literacy all fall under ... But this topic will be covered at a 10/30 meeting.I will keep you posted as the conversation develops.BOn Wed, Oct 23, 2024, 6:57 PM Melissa Thom <melissa_thom@whps.org> wrote:Any chance they will change/edit the title and refer to the curriculum as Information Literacy? I think it's important to include media literacy in any new curriculum being implemented/mandated by the state.ÂI have started to use Checkology.MelissaMelissa Thom@MsThomBookitisBristow Middle School Teacher LibrarianWest Hartford Public SchoolsBristow Library Learning Commons Webpage: http://bit.ly/BristowLibraryFollow us on Twitter: @bristowllcFollow me on GoodreadsÂJoin the Libro.fm ACL and receive free audiobooks each month! Use my referral code: lfm82519Currently Reading: ÂFuture Tense: How We Made Artificial Intelligence and How It Will Change Everything by Martha BrockenbroughA Split Second by Janae Marks (out Oct. 1st, 2024) **CT AuthorElevating the School Library: Building Positive Perceptions through Brand Behavior by Susan D. Ballard and Sara Kelly JohnsCurrently Listening:The Singularity is Nearer by Ray KurzweilRamona Quimby Collection by Beverly ClearyRecently Finished:   ÂLola Reyes Is So Not Worried by Cindy Rodriguez (Out September 2024!) **CT AuthorJulietta and the Diamond Enigma by Luisana Duarte Armendariz **CT AuthorWhat's Eating Jacki Oh by Patricia ParkMax in the House of Spies: A Tale of World War IIThis Book Won't Burn by Samira AhmedThe Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette's by Hanna AlkafFrankie & Bug by Gayle Forman Higuera (Libby)Crushed by Melanie ConklinChronicles of a Lizard Nobody by Patrick Ness, Illustrated by Tim MillerHope to Read Soon:Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline BoulleySOOOO Many More....Check out my Joyful Learning PodcastOn Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 4:25 PM Barbara Johnson <bajohnson@colchesterct.org> wrote:The DOE and Commission for Educational Technology is working on model curricular activitiesIF you have something your district is currently using, can you send me the link?We are looking to see what is already being used across the State.Ty!Barb
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