Hit a Home Run with Willie Mays

Hit It Out of the Park with Willie Mays
That’s right, Ballpark Mysteries #21 was just released, and it’s a Willie Mays mystery set at America’s oldest professional ballpark, Rickwood Field in Birmingham, Alabama. It takes place during a special MLB salute to the Negro Leagues and the field where Willie Mays first played professional baseball—when he was 17!
Ballpark Mysteries #21: Willie’s Clutch Catch finds Mike, Kate, and their friend Andy back at America’s oldest ballpark, Rickwood Field in Birmingham, Alabama, for another Negro Leagues mystery. It takes place right after my previous Ballpark Mysteries book, Ballpark Mysteries #20: Satchel’s Stolen Strike, which also takes place at Rickwood Field.

Purchase Willie’s Clutch Catch at your local bookstore, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon.
If you’ve already read it, please consider reviewing it for me—it makes a huge difference. Give it five stars and/or write a review---if you do, I’ll send you a FREE audiobook!
Free Audio Book Offer
I’m giving away free audiobooks to celebrate Willie’s Clutch Catch! If you purchase Ballpark Mysteries #21: Willie’s Clutch Catch and then write a review on Amazon, I’ll send you a free promo code for a select David A. Kelly audiobook!
Reviews must be for Willie’s Clutch Catch (paperback, ebook, or audiobook). Free promo codes will be assigned for one of the following David A. Kelly books: Zillion Zombie Heist, Satchel’s Stolen Strike, or Willie’s Clutch Catch.
Submit your Amazon review URL using this Google form. Feel free to share this offer with friends, teachers, or any baseball fan.
“Speaking” of Audio Books
Holidays are a great time for car trips, so they’re also a great time to consider listening to a David A. Kelly audiobook, including Willie’s Clutch Catch, Satchel’s Stolen Strike, Zillion Zombie Heist, The Two-Minute Warning, or The Black Cat Change-Up.
Even though I wrote the books, I love listening to the audiobook versions for fun—Scotty Kwas, the narrator, does a fantastic job bringing Mike, Kate, and the rest of my characters to audio life.
Check out this sample from Willie’s Clutch Catch!
What’s in Store?
Ever want a signed David A. Kelly book? Now’s your chance to purchase one! Visit www.buydavidakellybooks.com for a selection of my books that you can have personalized and autographed. Great for gifts or just your own personal enjoyment!
There’s even a “buy five, get one free” promotion happening now. And check back next week when I’ll have some special collections available, like a Ballpark Mysteries animal pack or a Big D pack!
Big Patriotic News
Last year, I released the first book in my new Football Mysteries series, The Two-Minute Warning. It was really fun to take Mike and Kate to an NFL football stadium (the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium) and create a football mystery for them.
Well, now the Football Mysteries are back with a brand-new edition!
That’s right, coming next week is Football Mysteries #2: The Big Bling Blitz!
It’s a New England Patriots mystery that starts, as it should, in a cranberry bog! If you haven’t purchased the first Football Mysteries book, The Two-Minute Warning, now is a great time!
In The Big Bling Blitz (try saying that three times fast!), someone has stolen the Patriots' Quarterbacks' six Super Bowl rings! Can Mike and Kate find them before the big game?

It's a super fun mystery and I’ll be back next week with more information for you. The book goes on sale on Tuesday, December 10th, 2024.
It’s currently available for pre-order as an eBook but will be available in paperback and hardcover on Tuesday as well. An audiobook will follow shortly. Due to production constraints, it will be available on Tuesday first at Amazon, but shortly after (hopefully Wednesday) for order at your local bookstore or Barnes & Noble.
Feel free to share this news with friends, teachers, librarians, and anyone else who might be interested. As always, feel free to email me at david@davidakellybooks.com with any questions or comments you have!
Thank you & Keep reading!
David A. Kelly
Upcoming Appearances
Friday, December 6th
44 Main Street, Orleans MA
Christmas Stroll 4 - 7pm
December 14th
Newton MA
Newton Children's Book Festival