Good Morning CT Libraries, here is what is going on this week.




New, new, new! 


New Directors Roundtable meets on Wednesday to talk about budget prep! 


New Librarians Roundtable meets on Thursday to talk about celebrating December holidays in the library.




New Canaan School Library employee has her car set on fire in Bridgeport.


Yahoo has a profile on Scoville Memorial, Connecticut’s (and arguably the nation’s) first tax payer funded library.


East Hartford says goodbye to Cathy Potter, Head of Youth Services.  She’s headed to the State Library!


Southington cuts the ribbon on their new library!


West Hartford welcomes Abigail Simard as their new teen librarian!


Drop me a line if you or your library is in the news and I’ve missed it!


Have a good week,





Ellen Paul | Executive Director

Connecticut Library Consortium


860-344-8777 |


Buying things for your library?  Remember to ask for your CLC discount.  Find out how to get started here.

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