Please excuse the duplicate posting:

Dear CASL members,

We are excited to update you about the upcoming 2025 legislative session which begins January 8 and CASL. 

CASL has been working with a consultant to draft language for legislation specifically about requiring all school districts in Connecticut to have school library policies: collection development and book reconsideration. The language for this year’s bill is intended to be more clear and focused than 2024’s HB 5417. 

Our library partners, the CT Library Association and the CT Library Consortium, are very much in support and we continue to work closely with them. CASL appreciates their amazing support.

What’s next?

We need your help! In the next few weeks, be on the lookout for how you can communicate with your legislators and members of your communities. We cannot do this without you.

We have an incredible opportunity to make certain that our students have access to the books they want to read in their school library.

Libraries Provide Access! Let kids read! Let’s do this!