Hi Casey,

I've tried a few different things at the high school level. I'm attaching all my documents for your reference. Feel free to make copies from the public view links and let me know if you'd like more details or anything else shared. I have Google Forms for classes to sign up for a "Mystery Reader" and for members of our faculty and staff (administration, security monitors, athletic director, football coach,etc) to sign-up to talk about a favorite book to a class.  I ask all members of our staff to be involved, but the kids get a kick out of non-English teachers sharing their favorite books. Additionally, we have small groups of students that travel to our elementary schools to read to classes.  They select a book that connects to their own identity and experiences, so they can help lead a discussion. 

Good luck.  It's not a hit with every student, but it is a lot of fun,

FHS Read Across America Public Link

On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 7:52 AM LaPlante, Casey via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
Hi there!
Does anyone do anything fun with secondary students for Read Across America Day or Week? Trying to come up with something that kids in high school would actually do.


Casey LaPlante
Library Media Specialist
Granby Memorial High School
Granby, CT


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Jessica-Lynn Johnson  
she / her / hers
Library Media Specialist
Farmington High School 
Farmington, CT
Twitter: @MrsJohnsonFHS
FHS Library Website
Club Advisor: Book Lovers, Social Justice, Muslim Student Union, FHS Food Pantry Club
Currently Reading
Book Cover

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