Good morning all,
I would say no. Here is a recent opinion about something similar in classrooms. The library is my classroom.

Your idea to place surveillance cameras in classrooms more broadly is very different and especially concerning.  Setting aside how intrusive teachers would find such cameras, the State Board of Labor Relations has ruled that placement of surveillance cameras in the workplace is a mandatory subject of negotiations.  See, e.g., City of Hartford, Decision No. 4719 (St. Bd. Lab. Rel., March 19, 2014).  Accordingly, it would be an unfair labor practice for you to place surveillance cameras in classrooms unless your school district and the teachers’ union agree through negotiations that you may do so (which will never happen). 

The full text of the article is here.




Jamie Sepa
Library Scientist and
K-12 Library/Media Coordinator
Simsbury Public Schools
860.658.2251 ext. 118


Think Dangerouslyâ„¢

On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 8:59 PM CASL President <> wrote:
Hmm. That is an interesting one. I don't know much about this, but I don't like the idea of the checkout screen being seen. 

What is the rationale for having them? I understand security, but is there something that has been happening?

Jenny Lussier
CASL President

Connecticut Association of School Librarians Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013

On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 4:22 PM Elizabeth Wright <> wrote:
Hi all!

I was wondering who has security cameras in their libraries as a part of the security of the school. My principal seems to think that putting a camera in the space is a good idea. The biggest worry I have is where they’re talking about putting it, which would give the camera a view of our checkout screen.

But I’m wondering how others see this!

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