Happy New Year.
One summer, I was enjoying the warm weather and a teacher texted me, "Hey Nikki do you know they are putting a security camera in your library?"
Well this camera is pointed right at me and it is rather close to me.
So, to answer your question, yes  I am being recorded, contractually 7:30am-2:45pm Monday through Friday.
If you would like to see photos, I'd be happy to provide!


On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 4:21 PM Elizabeth Wright <liz.sarah.wright@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all!

I was wondering who has security cameras in their libraries as a part of the security of the school. My principal seems to think that putting a camera in the space is a good idea. The biggest worry I have is where they’re talking about putting it, which would give the camera a view of our checkout screen.

But I’m wondering how others see this!

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Nikki Esposito
Library Media Specialist/Video Production Instructor
Westbrook High School