Our district also blocked Youtube as well. We have access to learn360 (through infobase) which is great for video resources! What I've done for independent research is create a blocked website request discussion post (we use Schoology for our LMS) and then I've embedded the video in a page for them individually if they find something they may be able to use. Google Sites works the same, you could maybe create a "Blocked Videos" Google site for students to access and embed the videos into that if your LMS doesn't work the way you want!

Jessica Ritacco
Library Media Specialist - Avon Middle School
Avon Public Schools
(860) 404-4770

On Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 8:17 AM Christine Smey Zeiser <christine.smey@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone else’s district blocked YouTube for student access? Our district recently blocked YouTube for all student usage because of the change in minimum age requirement. I am receiving many requests from teachers about alternatives to YouTube that might have subject-specific content and resources. We already have EdPuzzle as a possible workaround, but that isn’t helpful for independent research/projects.

If your district uses any video library resources that are not YouTube, I would love to hear about it!
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