Thank you everyone for your replies here and privately.
It seems from the responses that more districts have 1 librarian with district admin access over IT dept.

I reached out to Follett and received some access level/login types into Destiny information as well.  
The is Application Admin
District Records manager
Patron records 
If anyone wants more details, send me an email
Thank you CASL libs!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nikki Esposito <>
Date: Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 8:32 AM
Subject: Destiny Admin access
To: <>

Greetings All-
Looking for a bit of help.
If you are a Follett Destiny Library School please reply:

Do you have admin access to your school district account, or just admin access for the school library you work in?
For example, I have High School admin access, not district level access.
I am taking a survey, I appreciate replies,

Nikki Esposito
Library Media Specialist/Video Production Instructor
Westbrook High School

Nikki Esposito
Library Media Specialist/Video Production Instructor
Westbrook High School