Dear CASL members,
I’d like to update you on the legislative process that began Jan. 8.
CASL continues to work with EveryLibrary, CLA, and CLC on legislation regarding collection development and book reconsideration policies, as well as civil and criminal liability protections for school librarians and other staff members engaging in that work. We want to be sure our students’ freedom to read is guaranteed.
What’s next at the legislature?
Over the next couple of weeks, bills will continue to be written and discussed. Currently, school library bills have been raised in 3 committees: judicial, education and children's.
Of note is proposed bill 523 from Senator Duff and Senator Maher. This also includes public librarians.
What’s next for CASL members?
Begin thinking about or drafting your thoughts in support of a bill (hopefully you do). I will be sending out tips and templates later this week to help.
Think about anecdotes - has there been a time when you’ve needed a book reconsideration policy but haven’t had one? Is there a time when your book reconsideration policy has worked well? Has a student or parent/guardian thanked you for having a book or type of books in your library?
We need the support of parents/families and community members! Are there groups in your town (teaching town or where you live) that you feel comfortable reaching out to? It cannot simply be school librarians calling, writing and showing up. We will have resources for them too, but you can always point them to https://uniteagainstbookbans.org/ for information.
Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.