Good morning,


This is a reminder that applications are due this Friday, January 31, 2025 to fill (6) vacancies on the Connecticut Digital Library Advisory Board (CDLAB) in 2025. Application and more information about the CDLAB can be found here.  Terms would ideally begin in April 2025 (unless noted), following approval by the CDLAB and the State Library Board in 2025.  


The CDLAB meets virtually on the first Wednesday of every other month (February, April, June, August, October and December) from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm and members are expected to attend all meetings and actively participate in special projects and committees. Terms are two-years. No individual may serve more than two consecutive terms.


The Goals of the Digital Library are:


The primary responsibility of the Connecticut Digital Library Advisory Board is to advise regarding priorities and policy related to the operation of the Connecticut Digital Library (CDL) and to assure that the CDL functions in a manner that effectively meets the educational and research needs of the general public, higher education students and faculty, and elementary and secondary school students and teachers.


As stated in the Connecticut Digital Library Advisory Board Bylaws: The primary criteria for board membership are individual expertise and commitment to the purpose of the Connecticut Digital Library. Connecticut Digital Library Advisory Board members should be broadly representative of the library, educational, and business communities of Connecticut.


Applications are now being sought for the following:


Librarian positions:


Non-Librarian positions:

Please encourage any students or parents you think would be interested to apply.  


Applications are due by Friday, January 31, 2025.


Anyone wishing to serve on the CDLAB must apply on their own behalf. Additional letters of support may be sent from those who know the applicant. If you have any questions concerning the CDLAB, please contact Dawn La Valle (Connecticut State Library) at or 860-757-6665.



Gail Hurley | Professional Development Coordinator, CT State Library, Division of Library Development | | Office: (860) 704-2223 | 786 South Main Street Middletown CT 06457 | Fax: (860) 704-2228