Good Morning CT Libraries, here is what is going on this week.




Office administrator’s roundtable meets on Thursday. 




TLDR:  There are way more library bills at the State Capitol than (potentially?) ever before.  It’s going to be very difficult to follow the bouncing ball.  I will do my best to keep you up to date each week.  If things seem confusing, it’s because they are.





Freedom to Read






Many articles and news clips about the “Don’t Ban Library Books Bill” press conference held by Senators Maher and Duff last week.  Here from the Hartford Courant.  Here from Fox61.  Here from CT Public Radio.  Here from Hearst Media.  Here from CT News Junkie.  Here from WTNH.  Here from WFSB.  Here from NBC Connecticut


A beautiful op-ed in the CT Mirror this morning:  The Library, My Second Home


Proposals on gender identity, parental rights enter CT schools debate


And, because this story never gets old:  Greenwich Library has a book returned 56 years late.  And here


Brrrr… no heat at the Wilton Library.


And a burst pipe in Westport!


“End of an Era”  Old Southington Library is demolished.  


A CT woman moved to a new town and needed a tribe:  here’s how she found one.


The Hartford Courant profiles New Britain Library Technician about rising rent costs.   


Hagaman gets a defibrillator.


Drop me a line if you or your library is in the news and I’ve missed it!


Have a good week,





Ellen Paul | Executive Director

Connecticut Library Consortium


860-344-8777 |


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