Good Morning CT Libraries, here is what is going on this week.




The Business Librarians Roundtable meets Tuesday to talk about personal branding.


The Eastern CT Library Directors meets on Thursday with a representative from the Employers Association of the Northeast to take your HR questions.







Freedom to Read




A man has been arrested for stealing thousands of dollars of books from the Wethersfield and West Hartford Libraries. And here.  And here.  And here.  And here.  And here.  And here.  And here.  And here.  And here.  And there may have been more.  Honestly, I lost track.


The Day covers Take Your Child to the Library Day in Southeastern CT.  


Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see the Connecticut Charter at the Connecticut Museum of History (run by the Connecticut State Library!) before it’s put away for preservation!


I think I missed this article last week about the ‘Don’t Ban Library Books’ Bill press conference.


Yay for Jackie Bush, she chaired the national Michael L. Printz Award!


What do Middletown Residents want for a future ready library?


Former School Librarian Erica Alterio Dies Suddenly, 33: Her 'Presence Was Magnetic'


Saturday is Take Your Child to the Library Day!


Take Your Child to the Library Day featured on WFSB’s Family Friday.  



Seriously, drop me a line if you or your library is in the news and I’ve missed it!  The google news aggregator is so much worse than a few years ago when I started this project.  I find myself having to go news outlet to news outlet to make sure I haven’t missed anything…  


Have a good week,





Ellen Paul | Executive Director

Connecticut Library Consortium


860-344-8777 |


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