Hello!I just booked the author, Cara Bean, for a visit in April who offers either workshops or presentations to schools. She penned the mental health graphic novel, Here I AM, I AM Me, and was presented to me with great accolades from R.J. Julia's after a presentation she conducted at Laurelton Hall in Milford. She has been a pleasure to work with in the scheduling department, very informative of her plans and also wanting to be very supportive and helpful to the school culture and our overall needs. I look forward to hosting her.Here is her website for review.Good Luck!JackieJackie DeLomaTeacher LibrarianGoogle Level 1 CertifiedCanva Teacher Essentials CertifiedForan High SchoolMilford Public Schools(203)-783-3502 (x-2320)_______________________________________________On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 10:23 AM Mrs Fiorelli <Fiorelli.Dawn@madisonps.org> wrote:_______________________________________________Good morning,We're looking for a presenter or maybe even an author who would present about their book somehow connecting to mental health. It would be for May 1st. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.--Dawn FiorelliK-12 Library Coordinator, Madison Public SchoolsLibrary Media Specialist, Daniel Hand High School
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