📸 Lori's Morphology Recap + Spring Conference March 13th! 📸

Hi Jenny,

Earlier this week, we hosted an insightful online learning session with Lori Josephson, author of Calling All Neurons: How Reading and Spelling Happen, where she discussed morphology instruction across grade levels

Didn't get a chance to catch it live? No worries. There's still time to access the recording. Simply register now and we’ll send you an exclusive link to view.

Lori will also be sharing an exclusive set of learning materials for all our CRA Members! These valuable resources will be available soon be sure to visit our CRA Member Materials Page to access them as soon as they're live!

Get Your Recording

🚨 Registration Now Live! 🚨

2025 Spring Conference
"Building Our Knowledge: Thinking and Moving Beyond the Program"

Thursday, March 13th from 8-2:30pm
Sheraton Hartford South Hotel, Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Register Today!

CRA, Inc. is a nonprofit professional organization, the state affiliate of the International Literacy Association. We sponsor literacy-focused professional development. Our Mission: to empower educators, inspire students, and encourage our community to embrace literacy as an essential tool for lifelong success. Questions? Please contact us at cra@ctreading.org.

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CASL President

FB: @mrslussierslibrary, Twitter: @jluss, Instagram: mrslussierlibrary


Jenny Lussier

Library Media Specialist

Brewster and John Lyman Elementary Schools


Visit us at: Brewster website and John Lyman website

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