Good Morning CT Libraries, here is what is going on this week.
CLC is thrilled to welcome
Stephanie Smith as our new Events and Special Projects Coordinator
this morning! Stephanie is the former Teen Librarian at the Avon Public Library with previous experience at a number of public libraries across the State. You can reach her at Watch for a full introduction to her in our
next newsletter. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming her!
The Social Justice Roundtable
meets on Tuesday to talk about bridging the digital divide with digital navigators.
Wednesday is busy with three roundtables.
Northwest Library Directors
in the morning. Association Libraries
and Academic Libraries: Access Services
in the afternoon.
Thursday is a
HR webinar with EANE talking about
generational differences in leadership and communication.
Friday is the
CRPA Performer’s Showcase in Newington
and the Academic Library: Technical Services Roundtable at University of Hartford.
Freedom to Read
Book belonging to the Norfolk Library
in the UK mistakenly returned to the Norfolk Library in Connecticut. And
And here.
Town of Manchester, building a new state of the art library, eyes other downtown projects.
got a last look at the Royal Charter of 1662 at the CT State Library’s museum.
Seriously, drop me a line if you or your library is in the news and I’ve missed it! The google news aggregator is so much worse than a few years ago when I started this project. I find myself having
to go news outlet to news outlet to make sure I haven’t missed anything…
Have a good week,
Ellen Paul | Executive Director
Connecticut Library Consortium
860-344-8777 |
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