Hello CASL-L Colleagues,

If you would be willing to work with an LMS intern, would you kindly reach out to Beth Doran at   elgdoran19@gmail.com ?

I believe Renee is in the SCSU ILS program and would prefer to be in the Trumbull area. 

Renee Sanchez wrote the following in an email:

"I am looking for someone who would be willing to allow me to complete my internship with them. I’m wondering if either you or someone you can connect me with would be willing to assist me.  I am interested In teaching Library Media from any grades between K to 12.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Renee Sanchez"

~Val DiLorenzo
Vice President
CT Association of School Librarians

Connecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013