ACT4SL (Act for School Libraries/Act for Student Learning), a, open grassroots group of school librarians, is pleased to announce its upcoming virtual event. Join us on Monday, February 24, from 7-8 p.m EASTERN. The session, "Just WHAT Can We Do: Gotta Love School Library Legislation" features three panelists: Meera Garud (Hawaii), Harry Brake (Delaware), and Jenny Lussier (Connecticut) who will walk us through each of their school library association's efforts to bring about local legislative action for student learning and access.
Here is the Zoom link:
What legislation is happening in your state? ACT4SL has created a form for you to complete, helping us document the positive school library legislation happening in the U.S. We'd love to hear from you.
In addition, EveryLibrary is also charting Library Legislation of Concern ( and Pro-Library Legislation (
Debra E Kachel ...Advocating for strong school library programs Reading: