I definitely won't make it tonight. Plus, I can't add one more thing to the plate. I have two other meetings just tonight and it looks like I have to testify tomorrow for a bill--ugh. 
~Val DiLorenzo
Vice President
CT Association of School Librarians

Connecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013

On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 9:39 AM ksvoboda@defenseofdemocracy.org <ksvoboda@defenseofdemocracy.org> wrote:
Thank you Val- I'm so glad that you enjoyed the workshop. Amanda is really incredible and so generous with her time. We are honored to support people like her and groups like the American Library Association.

Tomorrow evening - Tuesday at 8pm est- we are hosting a zoom call where we will discuss the Dog Whistle Dictionary. If you would like to attend and observe please hop on this link: 


Karen Svoboda, She/Her
Need a quick answer? Text me at 845-208-9846

Please note that contributions made to Defense of Democracy are not tax-deductible as we are classified as a 501(c)(4) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation will support our advocacy efforts related to support our mission of advocating for our public school system. By donating, you acknowledge that you are not receiving any goods or services in exchange for your contribution.

From: CASL Vice President <vicepresident@ctcasl.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2025 8:41 PM
To: CASL Listserv <casl-l@mylist.net>
Cc: info@defenseofdemocracy.org <info@defenseofdemocracy.org>; Terry Stoller <tstoller76@gmail.com>; ksvoboda@defenseofdemocracy.org <ksvoboda@defenseofdemocracy.org>
Subject: Amanda Jones' "Fighting Book Bans" Webinar Video Recording
This was a fantastic webinar sponsored by Defense of Democracy. Though I've heard Amanda speak several times and read her book, this webinar was packed with even more information and resources. I was going to do some other work and just kind of listen, but I was riveted! 

Additionally, Defense of Democracy is working on a Dog Whistle Dictionary that looks phenomenal. It will go live soon; they're looking for volunteers to help with that wiki as well. Reach out to info@defenseofdemocracy.org if interested.

See below for the link to the recording, to Amanda's resources that were shared, and more.

~Val DiLorenzo
Vice President
CT Association of School Librarians

Connecticut Association of School Librarians' Organization Address:

4 Wotton Lane

Burlington, CT 06013

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Karen Svoboda <ksvoboda@defenseofdemocracy.org>
Date: Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 11:47 AM
Subject: Fighting Book Bans Webinar Video Recording
To: <vicepresident@ctcasl.org>

Here is a link to last night's event "Fighting Book Bans with Amanda Jones".

Here is a link to the resources that Amanda provided

If you are interested in researching terms for the Dog Whistle Dictionary that DofD is working on, please attend next Tuesday night's zoom call - 7pm cst - at this link: https://zoom.us/j/99229609900 

Our next free workshop is a meeting with the creators of this legislation tracker. This workshop will give you hands on training to learn more about this critical tool. RSVP is free but required: https://givebutter.com/TxpUtX


Please help us keep our workshops free for everyone by making a contribution today.  We made change happen last year on a budget of just $60,000- imagine what we could do with just another $5 per month!

All members of our $5 per month club receive a personalized report each month from a Defense of Democracy volunteer.


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1849 South Road, Box 1040, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590, USA