Good Morning CT Libraries, here is what is going on this week.




Small Libraries roundtable meets today at 10am to talk about fostering staff wellness. 


Thursday we have a vendor webinar with Junior Library Guild (JLG) where they’ll be sharing the children’s and YA titles that they’re excited about for spring and summer. 


Also on Thursday, I’ll be speaking a panel for ALA Core with other consortia leaders from around the country about library consortia as advocates. 








Freedom to Read





CT legislators consider proposals about what books would be allowed in public, school libraries.  


CT library book banning bills raise concern among some lawmakers.    The same article is also published in the Courant.


Proposed Connecticut bill could solve the problem of rising eBook prices for libraries.


Massive new toy adorns Simsbury Library wall.   


Hartford Public Library receives $50K grant to enhance digital equity.


Fascinating article about the preservation of the Connecticut Charter at the State Library.   


CT Museum of Culture and History celebrates 200 years.


I wrote an opinion piece for this month’s issue of Connecticut Explored Magazine.  It is attached.  


Drop me a line if you or your library is in the news and I’ve missed it! 


Have a good week,





Ellen Paul | Executive Director

Connecticut Library Consortium


860-344-8777 |


Buying things for your library?  Remember to ask for your CLC discount.  Find out how to get started here.

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