Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!!!!!


What time is it?????


It's time for a PHabulous time at our meeting on Wednesday, 9/6/17, 6pm at Whiskey Joe's!!!!! Parking is at a premium, arrive early and stay late.


Trop Rock Junkies

will be there to entertain us


Buffet at 6:30pm, lanyard (name badge) is required.


Please RSVP by Tuesday 9/5 at 12pm. WJ's needs a head count for the buffet. IF YOU DO NOT RSVP, WJ'S DOESN'T KNOW HOW MUCH FOOD TO MAKE!!!!


Cut n paste to RSVP


Sign-up sheets @ Welcome Court…




Last night - 23rd TBPH Birthday Bash, $50 for any parrot head in good standing and $60 for non-parrot head. You can also register on line.

After 9/8 the price goes up to $60 for any parrot head in good standing and $70 for non-parrot head.


Birthday volunteers needed for raffle tickets, registration, silent auction and security at silent auction.


23rd Birthday Bash pool games:


1) Cardboard and duct tape boat contest - the boat needs to get across the pool and still phloat!


2) Synchronized swimming - must wear a bathing cap and overcome the best team!


Beach Clean-up, 9/23





Have any little items sitting around looking to help us raise some money????? We could use some spin-a-wheel items. Any koozies, beads, key chains, etc would be welcome!


LAST NIGHT - If you have any Birthday raffle and basket items, please bring to any meeting and give to Sharon, Chief Officer of Charities, This year, if you have a bottle of booze or wine (valued at $10 or higher) that you'd like to give up / re-gift, give to Susan Seamon for the Duck, duck booze contest (what is it???? details to come).


Have event pictures, please send to . Don't forget to visit our website at There is a calendar for the year, so you can check your dates!




Theme is 20's dress Parrot Head style - are you ready????????


Email with times, events and all information on PHood and drinks specials will come out next week.


We have PHun stuphph going on....Charities are Clearwater Marine Aquarium and Tampa Bay Watch.


Lost Shaker of Salt Scavenger Hunt - $10


Duck, duck booze - $10. If you donate 2 $10 bottles of booze, you'll get a raffle ticket


Silent Auction - bring your cash, credit cards and checks. We have some great items!



If you haven’t booked your room there are still rooms available!





You can sign-up at the next 2 meetings or email


Fly your TBPH car flag proudly!!!!

Saturday, 9/23, 9:30am meet at the parking garage across from Rusty Pelican, 2425 North Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, FL 33607 to get on your teams and find out where your area is located from map drawing of area. Park on ground floor to the right as you come in. PLEASE do not leave cars at the garage
Rain or shine...

TBPH provides gloves, trash bags and water. Wear comfortable clothes and closed toe shoes. Bring your pickers / grabbers and buckets. 
9:30 - meet at Sailport garage, across from Rusty Pelican, 2425 N Rocky Point Dr, Tampa
10am-11:30 - cleeeeeaaannnnnnn the beaches
12pm- after party at TBD
Your captains will have your wrist bands for the after party:




TBPH 23rd Birthday Bash, 9/15-9/17/17

MOTM 11/1-5/17

Pirate Water Taxi 11/18/17

Holiday Party, Saturday, 12/9/17

MOTB 3/1-3/4/17 (kick-off on 2/28 at Whiskey Joe's)



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