Remember to bring you items, checks and letters tonight!!!!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!
Theresa and Terry Henson will begin collecting items for the Troops – Wounded Warriors – Veterans and First Responders at the 10/3 & 10/17 meetings to mail items to California.  
Email THERESA/TERRY HENSON if you are unable to attend the meetings.   They will arrange to pick up your gifts.
There are many ways to donate:


1)  CASH  OR CHECK FOR OVERSEAS SHIPPING COST:  Payable to Operation Gratitude  (501(c)3 tax deductible organization)  You can donate by credit card at


2)  Travel size items, batteries, see the full list of items on the brochure.


3) Write a letter - nothing shows appreciation more than words!