is Giving Tuesday!
​Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parot Heads!!!

Another way to help with TBPH charities....

From: Amy Wieck <>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 3:39 PM
To: ladonnafromtexas <>; DOROTHY BEDLIN <>
Subject: Giving 'Teesday
Hi Ladonna, Hi Dorothy,

I hope that you are doing well--and staying dry with all these storms! It has been quite the year on so many fronts.

If you could share with your members that on December 1st, we are participating in the annual end-of-year donation campaign Giving Tuesday, or Giving ‘Teesday, as we have warmly come to call it, it would be greatly appreciated.  It will be a day filled with joy at celebrating the manatees we hold so near and dear and the friendships we have developed. Throughout the day we will be sending out emails, posting on social media, and live-streaming events, to tell the story of how everyone's support helps us care for manatees and their habitat.  


Also, if you know anyone that would like to participate in our matching gift pledge, please have them contact either Amy Wieck at or Tonya Higgins at

Thank you!

Kindest Regards,

Amy Wieck

Development Coordinator

Save the Manatee Club
