​Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!!!

Save the Manatee Club is looking for volunteers at the Tampa Boat Show at the Fairgrounds. The dates are 3/5 through 3/7 and they would like 1-2 people per shift:

Date Hours
3/5 10am-12:30pm
3/5 12:30pm-3pm
3/5 3pm-6pm
3/6 10am-12:30pm
3/6 12:30pm-3pm
3/6 3pm-6pm
3/7 10am-12:30pm
3/7 12:30pm-3pm
3/7 3pm-6pm

SMC has a table at the Boat Show and volunteers will help hand out materials and sharing information about Save the Manatee Club. 

If you would like to volunteer and feel comfortable being at the boat show, please email tbphpresident@gmail.com by end of day Friday 2/26, along with the date/hours you would like to help. 

Boat show admission is free, and volunteers will be provided free parking instructions. 

Masks will be required, and safety guidelines will be in effect.