Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!

What time is it?????????????   It's time to congratulate the Executive Committee who will lead our wonderful Club for the next two-year term beginning January 1, 2023.

What's that you say???  You didn't get a ballot in the mail???  And you didn't vote???

No, you didn't sleep through the elections.  What happened is that potential Candidates had until midnight July 25, 2022, to throw their hats into the election ring, and as of that time we only had one Candidate for each of the four positions.  Therefore, in my capacity as Elections Committee Chairperson, I announce that a vote will not be necessary.  Each Candidate automatically wins the position for which she was running for.

The two Candidates who "volunteered when called upon" and threw their hats into the ring are….. 

President/Captain:   Dorothy Bedlin "Lovely Lady"

Treasurer/Purser:    Trish Carney

Congratulations to the upcoming Executive Committee for the term 2023-2024!!

Fins Up!

Carol & Tim Gerlach

Elections Committee