Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!!!!!
What time is it?????????????
Time to meet, greet & chat with TBPH new members...
Fruit cake Board members and Seasoned TBPH members come on out and meet n greet our new members.......
 Friday, 10/7, 6:30pm - 10pm.


If you recently joined, joined from the first of the year onward or just want a more intimate setting to get to know other parrot heads come on out!


BYOB and a dish to share. TBPH will provide main dish.


Seize the opportunity to get to know some of the Fruitcake Board members and other members in a smaller setting. This is the time to bring your questions and to find out why we do what we do.....


Bob & Susan Seamon

7007 W Baywood Ct

Tampa, FL 


​Sunday, 10/9, The Yard, Entertainment by Eric Erdman and Brendan Mayer, Gates open at 1pm

If you can bring a few extra dollars to spare for hurricane relief donation to the American Red Cross.
Hope to see you Sunday, with The Yard's guarantee, Good music, Good friends , Good food, Every time , Rain or Shine.

The usual $20.00 pp cash donation to the artists.
Please bring a dish or snack to share if you want to participate in potluck along with your favorite beverage of choice.


FINS UP!!!!!