Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads!!!

A teeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm drink for those members that came out Saturday to help cleeeeaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the beaches...the first one of 2023!!! Volunteers filled 32 bags of trash!

Elmer's hosted the after party - it was EPIC!!!! 

Margaritas. shots and beer flowed as we ate salad, garlic bread, wings and yellow rice with sausage and chicken!!!!! 

Dave Freeman and Steve 3 (Trop Rock Junkies) rocked it. People came in off the streets and partied with TBPH. 

YOU Should have been there!

4/8 is the next clean-up and who knows what PHun and surprises will happen.

Remember your promise to "cleeeaaaannnnn the beaches" and come out and join us!!!