[MCOH-EH] Duration of protection from the flu vaccine

Abhijay Karandikar dr_abhik at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 28 09:58:30 PDT 2015

Some employees routinely delay receiving the flu vaccine because they have heard that "the flu shot loses its effectiveness in 3 months", so the later it is taken in the season, the better chances of protection in the months of February and March.
Literature search reveals that antibody levels / vaccine effectiveness declines with time, but the time period is dependent on many factors including immunity levels, age group, etc.
Does anyone have or can anyone point out to studies/abstracts or cite anecdotal evidence of flu vaccine effectiveness with time? How do you decide flu vaccine deadlines for your organization?

Abhijay Karandikar, MD, MPH, FACOEMMedical Director - Occupational MedicineCONNcare / Backus HospitalNorwich, CT. 
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