[MCOH-EH] exposures coverage

Behrman, Amy behrman at pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Thu Mar 21 14:09:29 PDT 2019

Emergency Department with on-call consultation available from our clinicians

Amy J Behrman, MD, FACOEM, FACP

Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine

Medical Director, Occupational Medicine

Perelman School of Medicine

University of Pennsylvania

3400 Spruce Street

Philadelphia, PA  19104

From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces at mylist.net> on behalf of Isakari, Marcia <misakari at ucsd.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:34 PM
To: mcoh-eh at mylist.net
Subject: [External] [MCOH-EH] exposures coverage

Hi team,

I have a favor to ask the group.

I am reviewing the afterhours coverage for healthcare exposure (meningococcal, ATD, blood) and would greatly appreciate to hear about your site set up.


Who covers post exposure evaluation and treatment for meningococcal or blood borne after hours and weekends?

a)    Emergency department

b)    Infectious Control on call

c)     Pharmacy -Standing order per hospital protocol

d)    Occupational Medicine

e)     Nurse with standing order

Your response is greatly appreciated.  I will share the results once I receive them.

Thank you,

Marcia Isakari, MD, MPH, FACOEM

Medical Director

Center for Occupational & Enviromental Medicine

UC San Diego

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